CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Warm-up (No Measure)
Green banded shoulder mobility
2 minute adductor stretch
30 sec Forearm/wrist stretch
30 sec Glute stretch each side
30 sec spiderman lunge hold each side
3 sets:
Stationary spilt lunge hold with 8 x DB strict press left side the 8 reps on the right side.
With empty barbell Cycle though:
3 x deadlift
3 x power clean
3 x front squat
3 x strict press
3 x spilt jerk
Hang Power Clean (5 x 20 seconds On/40 seconds Off )
Working at Avergae RX WOD weight @60/40kg complete:
5 sets of 20 seconds On/40 seconds Off
for Max rep hang power clean cycling.
Aim is to hold on for the 20 seconds each round. Finish with elbows forward of your body and stand up to full ext before the bar comes off your shoulders for the next rep.
Score for total reps over the 5 mins.
Clean and Jerk (3 sets of 4,3,2 reps increasing weight each set)
Set 1: Build to a moderate 4 reps, then increase weight my 5kg for 3 reps, the add 5kg for 2 reps.
Set 2: your 4 reps should be your 3 reps weight from set 1, increasing by 5 kgs for reps 3 & 2.
Set 3: Your 4 reps should be same as rep 3 in set 2. Increase by 5kg if possible for reps 3&2.
They are drop reset reps with minimal rest between reps!!
Record last double.