CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Foam Roll:
Lats 1:00 e.s
ITB’s 1:00 e.s
Steady Shuttles 1:00
Leg Swings F/L
Spiderman/Couch Stretch Combo 30s each
Kettlebell Ankle Mobility 30s e.s
6 Kettlebell Tempo Squats 3s Eccentric/ up fast
Wrist 30s
3 Laps e.s Kettlebell Bottoms up Carry
20 Halo Glute Bridges
3 Clean High Pulls
3 Power Cleans
3 Hang Clean High Pulls
3 Hang Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Hang Squat Cleans
Barbell Good Morning
Keep core tight
Hinge at hips sending butt back
Slight bend in knees
Squeeze glutes when you stand
Weightlifting Accessories:
4 Sets 8 Reps of each around the same load.
Aim to build some load over the 4 sets if possible.
Sub to Double DB SLDL
Super Set with BB Bent Over Rows
90s rest between sets.
1 Clean High Pull 1 Power Clean 1 Hang Clean High Pull 1 Hang Power Clean
GoE90s x 7 Sets.
Build enough to test positions.
High-Hang Clean
GoE90s e x 7
2 High Squat Cleans.
Rep 1: Pause 3s In Bottom Position.
Rep 2: Get out of the bottom As fast As Possible.
Work on fast turn around from extension to catch.
Hang Clean
1 Rep Go Every 90s x 5.
You can follow on from last lift weight if you wish.
Go from anywhere above the knees. Can be Squat or Power.