CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
10 Scorpins F/B
30s Lower Back/Hipflexor e.s
90s Frog
30s Couch e.s (Grab back foot if possible)
30s Ankle Mobility e.s
30s Wrist
30s PVC Front Rack
30s PVC Scap Protraction e.s
10 Wrist Rotations
5 Front Squats 3s pause In Bottom
3 Muscle Cleans
3 Hang Squat Cleans
3 Squat Cleans
Muscle Clean (12 Minutes)
Working on Pull Strength.
1 x 3
1 x 3
1 x 2
1 x 2
Main Sets:
5 x 1 @AHAP (same Load)
Dead Stop Front Squat
Working On Strength In The Bottom Of The Squat/Squat Clean.
Building to a heavy safe single in 12 minutes.
1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
Every 90s x 7 Sets
Building Safely over the 7 sets or stay at one load and focus on form.
“Keep those elbows away from your knees”