CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Couch stretch 60 E/S
20 scorpions F/B
30 sec Lower Back Hipflexor
30 Glute Stretch each side
30 sec Calf stretch
60 sec Puppy dog pose
30 sec wrist stretch
10 Scap Pulls
10 Kipping swings
10 Strict Push-ups
Bear complex
Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD
For Time:
Buy In:
25 Clusters @50/35kg
Then 8 Rounds:
21 Push ups
15 T2B
3 Bear Complexes @50/35kg
15 Double Dumbbell Snatch @2×15/7.5kg
12 Box jumps
6 Power cleans @70/55kg (add weight to bar)
100m run together
Buy Out:
2KM Row
1.5Km Ski
4Km Bike
Squat Clean Thruster
*Bear Complex:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat into:
Push press to Back squat into Press.