CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning
1:00 Machine – easy pace
5 Inchworms + push up
5 Air Squats with pause in bottom
1:00 Machine – Increased pace
10 Scorpions Front/Back
1:00 Machine Increased Pace
5 Inchworms no push up
Metcon (No Measure)
Machine Conditioning
55/40 Cal Row/Bike/Ski
Rest 4:00
100/70 Cal Row/Bike/Ski
– Assault Bike perform 38/30 Calories for the first portion and 70/50 for the back half.
– Cap each interval at 3:00/7:00 to allow for some rest.
Plenty of volume on the machines today. Keep your pace sustainable across.
If you are testing the total after this, keep that in mind, you may want to cut the calories back to something more manageable like 45/35.