CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning
Upright Hamstring Stretch 60 e/s
Spiderman lunge with rotation 60 e/s
Glute Stretch 30 e/s
20 Scorpions Front/Back
2 Sets
15/10 Cal Machine
5 Inchworms 1 Push Up
5 Air Squats – 1 second pause in bottom.
Metcon (Calories)
Machine Conditioning
Three Total Sets:
You’ll work for 4 minutes with a minutes rest, then 3 minutes with a minute rest and finally 2 minutes. This is 1 set, you’ll do this for 3 total sets with a two minute reset between rounds.
The aim here is for consistent calories across your working sets. A minutes rest is not a lot of time, so pace yourself. The second and third set will be tough as there isn’t a lot of rest compared to total work time.
Work hard and have fun.