CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Couch stretch 60 sec E/S
Glute Stretch 60 sec E/S
Lower Back/Hipflexor 30 sec E/S
Twisted Cross 30 sec E/S
Puppy Dog Pose 30 sec
3 Sets
1 Minute Jog In Place
10 DB Swings ( eye level)
15 AbMat Sit-ups/Crunch
20 Air Squats
Metcon (6 Rounds for time)
On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds:
10 Alternating Single DB Power CJ
400m Run
100m Single DB Farmer Carry
6 intervals total, starting every 5:00
Starting times are 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00, 20:00, and 25:00
Aim is to push our paces here, given work rest, but to be consistent across all
The alternating single dumbbell power clean and jerk will begin on the ground in between the legs
The movement will move to the shoulder and then finish over head
Record all five times to gauge pacing
Metcon (6 Rounds for time)
“SeaWorld” (No Equipment Version):
On the 5:00 x 6 Rounds:
Wearing Back Pack/Vest:
15 Pushups
15m Walking Lunge
400m Run
Record all five times to gauge pacing
If we can’t get outside to run lets do 15 Tuck Jumps, and modify the workout to:
* OT3:00 x 7 Rounds:
15 Pushups
15m Walking Lunge (or 15 Reverse Lunges)
15 Tuck Jumps
Metcon (Time)
“SeaWorld” (Individual Version)
“Comptrain WOD”
3 Rounds (30 Minute Time Cap):
25 Power Snatches (75/55)
10 Power Clean and Jerks
1,000 Meter Row
Snatch: 34/25
Clean and Jerk #1: 60/42.5
Clean and Jerk #2: 70/47.5
Clean and Jerk #3: 80/60
* If you do not have any Cardio equipment at your disposal, then do a 1km run.
*If equipment is limited, change barbell snatch to Alternating Dumbbell Snatch & use the barbell for clean & jerk.
* If weights are limited, Increase however you can.