CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
20 Calf Pumps
100m Run
20 Green Banded SLDL
20 Red Banded Pull-aparts
10 Red Banded Press Each Side
100m Run
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Second Plank Hold
100m Run
10 Frog Hops
15 Red banded Bent Over Rows
10 HRPU’s
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
1 Curl + 1 Strict Press (left arm, then right)
1 Curl + 2 Strict Presses (left arm, then right)
1 Curl + 3 Strict Presses (left arm, then right)
Continue to add (1) strict press.
Todays Body Armor will target the biceps and shoulders
The “set” is completed on a single side before transitioning
Complete 1 curl, and 1 press on the left side, and then the same for right
Next we’ll complete 1 curl and *2* strict presses on the left side, and then same for the right
Continuing on for five minutes
Each time we complete the left and right side, that completes a single round
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds:
3:00 Mins ON/1:00 Min OFF:
30 Alternating Single Dumbbell Snatches
10 Burpees, Remaining time Max Abmat Sit-ups
RX= 1 x 22.5/15kg
Record, Total reps completed over the 5 rounds.
Scale Dumbbell weight as needed.
Go On: