CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
1 x High hang snatch + 1 x OHS (5 sets of this complex. 90 sec rest )
Find a decent but safe weight. Start light and give room to increase over 5 working sets. Start with two warm up weights after bar progressions.
This is technique bases. Not looking for heavy lifts.
Warm-up (No Measure)
green banded warm up
red banded warm up
2 carpark runs
2 laps walking lunge
10 wall squats
30 sec spiderman lunge hold
30 sec Glute stretch
60 sec static squat
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
2 set snatch ladder:
10 reps @ 40/30
8 reps @ 45/35
6 reps @50/40
4 reps @55/45
2 reps @60/50
3 mins rest.
Try and keep each rep range unbroken.
Snatch can be full or power.
Change own weights.
If you cannot mange this weight start light and make increases to suite your ability.
Bigger class numbers have to partner up and go round for round.