CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
60 sec couch stretch E/S
1 lap inchworm
1 lap spiderman lunge
20 scorpionms F/B
30 sec Lower back/Hip flexor
30 Green banded SLDL
Deadlift (3 sets 5 reps of Deficit deadlift)
Deficit on a 25kg plate.
Increase by 2.5kg on last weeks performance or build to 75% of your 1RM and complete 3 sets 5 reps with 2 mins rest between working sets.
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for of:
20 x Abmat-sit-ups
15 x SDHP@50/30KG
10 x Lateral Bar Burpees