CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
20 scorpions front back
30 sec lower back hip flexor
30 sec quad stretch
3 sets:
30 sec box hammy stretch
15 banded lat pull downs
4 KB Single leg SLDL E/S
10 banded SLDL
Stiff Leg Deadlift (4 sets 8 reps 90 rest)
Points of Performance
-Clean Grip
-Maintain same slight knee bend throughout the entire movement
-Push the Hips Back
-Keep Straight Lumbar Curve
-Feel the Stretch in your Hamstrings
-Raise Quickly, Bringing your Hips to the Bar
Complete 4 set of 8 reps at the same weight. Complete all 4 sets with good form.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
100 Lateral Bar Burpees
On every minute complete 5 power clean @60/40kg until 100 burpees are complete.
Start with 5 PC
Good luck!
Troy Whittaker