CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
20 scorpions F/B
30 second lower back/Hipflexor each side
30 second glute stretch each side
30 second Twisted Cross each side
For Quality:
30 Second Shoulder Taps
15 Barbell Good Mornings
60 Sec Static Squat Hold (Drive knees out)
30 Second Plank Hold
5 Barbell Deadlifts
Deadlift (5-5-8-8-10)
This is a primer for todays WOD.
Don’t go heavy on this strength component.
10 mins to complete 1 set of 10 touch and go reps.
Use the above 4 building sets ,then the Last 10 will be your 10 TNG.
EG :
5 reps @60
5 reps @70
8 reps @80
8 reps @90
10 reps @100
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
45 Wallballs
30/24 Calorie Row
15 Deadlifts
Wallballs: 9/6
20/14 Calorie Assault
25/18 Calorie Bike Erg
25/16 Calorie Ski Erg