CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Foam Roller:
Lower Back 2:00 mins
Quads 1:00 e/s
ITB’s 1:00 e/s
Lower Body:
Couch 1:00 e/s
Glute 1:00 e/s
Lower back/Hipflexor 0:30 e/s
Upper Body:
Banded Shoulder Mobility
20 Banded Pull aparts
10 Pass Throughs
10 Strict Push-ups
Handstand Hold 0:30
Bench Press (Establish a New 5RM in 15 minutes. )
* Share the bar to spot one another.
Metcon (Distance)
2:00 mins ON/ 1:00 Min Off: x 5 sets
20/15 Cal Row
Max Distance Handstand Walk in remaining time.
* Record total estimated meters over the 5 Sets.
* First Choice should be Row or Ski, something that is working the legs and shoulders.
– Bike Erg, same cals
– Ski & Assault bike, 15/10 cals
Handstand Walk
– Bear Crawl up on Balls of the feet, bum high so we are mimicking the HS walk.
– Max HS-Hold
– Max Wall Walks
– Max HSPU ( strict or Kipping)