CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Red banded shoulder Mobility
10 shuttle runs
10 Forward/Lateral leg swings
1 lap Inchworm
1 lap spiderman lunge
20 scorpions
hip flexor & Lower back stretch
Flute stretch
90 sec static squat hold
Back Squat (4 sets 5 reps 90 sec rest. )
@70% of 1 RM week 1.
Keep weight constant across all work sets.
Target 10kg increase / week if work sets are above 140kg.
Target 5kg increase / week if work sets are below 140kg.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
14 min AMRAP:
50 x Air squats
50 x Double unders
50 x BW walking lunge steps
50 x Double unders