CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Frog Stretch 90 Sec
Couch Stretch 30 Sec each side
30 Sec Lower back/Hipflexor Each side
Puppy Dog Pose 30 Sec
30 Sec wrist forearm Stretch
Calf Stretch 20 Sec Each Side
3 Sets
3 Inchwrom 1 Push-up
10 Alternating Calf Pumps
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Air Squats
1 x Hang Power Clean 1 x Power Clean (7 Minute EMOM)
Increase weight as needed.
Beginners stay light and focus on form.
Record Heaviest lift of the 7 attempts.
Aim for no Messy missed attempts.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Capacity Builder
[On the 0]: 21 Power Cleans 60/40
[On the 2]: 21 Box Jump Overs (30″”/24″”)
[On the 4]: 21 Front Squats 60/40
[On the 6]: 21 Power Cleans 60/40
[On the 8]: 21 Box Jump Overs (30″”/24″”)
[On the 10]: 21 Front Squats 60/40
[On the 12]: 21 Power Cleans 60/40
[On the 14]: 21 Box Jump Overs (30″”/24″”)
[On the 16]: 21 Front Squats 60/40
With rest built into this capacity builder, look to get outside your comfort zone with big, fast sets
You’ll have 2 minutes to complete each of the 9 stations
After finishing the work, you’ll rest with whatever time remains in the 2 minute window
In order to ensure enough rest and the proper stimulus, cap each window at 1:30
Record the total reps recored at each station
Your score will be the sum total reps of all 9 times
Choose one weight for both of these barbell movements, based on the one that is more challenging for you
These should be light-moderate loads that you could cycle for 15 + reps unbroken when fresh
Within the workout, these sets are ideally completed with 1 break maximum
Like the power cleans, the front squat will also start with the bar on the ground instead of in a rack
There is no need to stand to full extension on top of the box
You can complete this station either lateral or box facing
You can step off the box, but should jump up to the box to count these as RX “