CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Frog 2:00
Couch 1:00 e/s
Lower Back/Hipflexor 0:30 e/s
Front Rack 0:30
Twisted Cross 0:30 e/s
Wrist 0:30
Calf 0:20 e/s
30 Calf Pumps
2 Laps Crab Walks
20 Glute Bridges
From Rack:
10 Barbell Wrist Rotations
3 Tempo Front Squats
First weight is first of 5 sets.
Front Squat (5 Sets 3 Reps Tempo))
Complete 5 Sets of 3 Reps at weights of your choice as long as you can hold the Tempo’s.
Rest as needed between sets.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 x AMRAP 3:
3 Burpee Pull-ups
6 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Wallball 9/6kg
Rest 1:00 Between Rounds.
– Take off from where you left last round.
– Score total rounds plus reps.