CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 x 15 Internal/External rotator cuff
30 x Nose bridges
20 x Pass throughs
10 x OHS
60 sec row
60 sec bike
60 sec plank
30 sec HS Hold
5 inchworm 2 push ups
30 sec spiderman lunge hold
10 scorpions F/B
30 sec lower back hip flexor stretch
30 sec Glute stretch
Max Strict Pull-ups (3 sets max reps )
90 secd rest between sets. Use bands to reach minimum 5 reps per round if needed.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
8 min Amrap:
3 x HSPU
7 x Box Jumps@24/20inch
10 x DB Alt Snatch@22.5/15kg
Metcon (Time)
For time:
50 x Wallball@9/6kg
5 min cap
2 mins rest
Metcon (Time)
for time:
50 x cal row
5 min cap
2 min rest
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 min AMRAP:
Increasing reps of T2B UP BY 2’S
If you break you start back at 2 reps and keep climbing back up. Min rest between sets.
Record last set of highest unbroken reps.