CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Green banded warm up
Red banded warm up
60 sec Row
60 Sec Bike
10 leg swing forward lateral
5 inchworm 2 push up
30 sec spiderman lunge hold
30 sec flute stretch
20 scorpions front back
30 sec hip flexor lower back stretch
Core: Continous.
3 rounds:
20 sec hollow hold
20 sec superman hold
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM Death by 10m shuttle runs:
Starting at 4 laps, up by 2 lap per minute.
Metcon (No Measure)
12 Min EMOM:
ODD: 1- 5 x tempo HSPU decent @3 sec
Even: 2- 5 x HSPU
Metcon (Time)
Sprint WOD:
500m Row
50 x KBS@24/16
*3 x burpee penalty every break on KBS to be done on break.
This one is 100% effort.