CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
(No Measure)
Ankle Mobility
10 Shuttle runs
10 forward/Lateral leg swings
10 Wall Squats
5 Stationary Inchworm + 1 push up
Spiderman lunge
Back Squat (1@90% + 1 Max Rep Drop Set. )
Work to 90% of 1RM Back Squat for a single, then perform 1 drop set of Max Effort reps.
For Drop Set, decrease weight by 20kg if above 150kg.
For Drop Set, decrease weight by 15kg if below 150kg.
Target 10kg increase / week if work sets are above 150kg.
Target 5kg increase / week if work sets are below 150kg
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Against a 4-minute running clock:
200 M Run
15 Box Jump Overs
Burpee x Max Rep
Rest 2 minutes.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Against a 4-minute running clock:
200 M Run
20 Wallball shots 9/5
DU x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Against a 4-minute running clock:
200 M Run
25 DB Snatches
Air squats x max Reps