CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Shoulder Mobility
green & red bands
10 shuttle runs
1 lap Spiderman lunge
1 Lap Inchworm + 1 push up
10 Wall squats
Push Jerk (5 Sets 2 Reps 90 sec rest)
Work at 65% of your 1RM C&J. Keep the weight consistent across the work sets.
Target 5kg increase / week if work sets are above 100kg.
Target 2.5kg increase / week if work sets are below 100kg.
Metcon (Time)
Continous runing clock complete:
2 Rounds For time:
15 x T2B
30 x Ab mat frog sit-ups
2 mins rest
30 x Box Jump Overs
30 x Alternating DB Snatches @25/15kg’s Or close as possible to that weight.
17 Min cap