CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit Warm-up 2 minute machine 30 sec ankle Mobility e/s 30 sec wrist stretch e/s 10 Leg swings forward/lateral 5 Inchworm 1 push up 30 Second static squat hold (knees out) 20 Halo Glute bridges 5 scap pulls 5 Kipping knee raises 5 Strict Pull-ups/Ring rows Front Squat (Going Every 90 seconds […]
Olympic Lifting
CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting Warm-up T-Spine Stretch on Rollers 1:00 Puppy Dog Pose On Rollers 1:00 Frog Stretch 2 mins Couch Stretch 1:00 e/s ————- Activation RED BANDS 10 pass throughs 10 Pull aparts 10 OHS 10 Press e/s ——– Barbell 3 Snatch high pulls 3 Hang Snatch High Pulls 3 Power Snatch 3 […]
3 Ways to eat your favorite veggies
Either if you are a person who enjoys veggies or you just starting to incorporate more of them into your lifestyle, this is the place for you. Today, we will give you some ideas on how to eat veggie without it being tasteless or boring, it doesn’t have to be that way, believe us. First […]
CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit Warm-up Upper Body 1. Foam Roller Quads/ITB’s – 1:00/side 2. Banded Shoulder Mobility Lower Body Calf Stretch on Post – 1:00/side Banded Hamstring Distraction – 1:00/side ACTIVATION 1 Rounds for Quality: 20m Dumbbell Death March 10 Alternating Box Step-Ups carpark run Bench Press (3 sets 10 reps @Same weight 90 rest) […]
Pure Conditioning
CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning Warm-up 2 minute machine 20 scorpions F/B Lower back 30 e/s Glute 30 e/s Twisted Cross 30 e/s Wrist 30 front only ——— 15 Banded SLDL 15 Halo Glute Bridges 5 HRPU 30 Sec Plank 30 sec Hollow Hold Metcon (Time) For Time: 1500/1200m Row 100 KBS @24/16kg 80 Alt […]
CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit Warm-up Puppy Dog Pose 0:30 e/s Twisted Cross 0:30 e/s Frog Stretch 2:00 Couch stretch 30 sec e/s Banded Ankle MOB 0:30 e/s Calf Stretch 0:30 e/s 30 calf Pumps Activation 2 Laps halo Crab Walks 20 banded Glute Bridges 15 Air Squats 50 Double unders/100 singles Back Squat (10-8-6-4-2) Stimulus […]
Pure Conditioning
CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning Warm-up Glute stretch 1:00 e/s Puppy Dog Pose 0:30 Twisted Cross 0:30 e/s Spiderman Lunge Hold 0:30 e/s Calf Stretch 0:20 e/s 30 Calf Pumps ——— ACTIVATION carpark run 10 Leg swings F/L 5 inchworm 1 Push up 10 Air Squats 1:00 Plank 30 Rest 0:30 /Side Plank e/s (No […]
Prtner WOD
CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit Warm-up Upper Body Wrist Stretch 0:30 e/s Front rack Stretch 0:30 Puppy Dog Pose 0:30 Twisted Cross 0:30 e/s Lower body Glute stretch 0:30 e/s Lower back/Hipflexor 0:30 e/s Activation P1. Bike meters P2. barbell 10 Good mornings 10 Wrist rotations 5 front squats 5 power Cleans (Swap) Aim to work […]
CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit Warm-up Upper Body 1. Wrist Stretches – 0:30/side 2. PVC Pass Throughs – 1:00 3. Banded Lat Distraction – 1:00/side Lower Body 1. Banded Ankle Distraction – 1:00/side 2. Bottom Squat Hold – 1:00 3. Couch Stretch – 1:00/side Activation 10 banded Pull aparts 10 banded pass throughs 10 banded OHS […]
CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit Warm-up Banded Pec Stretch 1:00 e/s Banded Tricep 1:00 e/s 20 Scorpions F/B Lower back/Hipflexor 0:30 e/s Glute 0:30 e/s Spiderman Lunge Hold 0:30 e/s Calf Stretch 0:20 e/s 30 calf Pumps ———– Activation 10 Barbell Good Mornings 10 Stationary Split Squats e/s 10 Barbell BOR 1:00 Double unders/Singles Bent Over […]